
Innowacyjny zestaw narzędzi dydaktycznych do zwiększania świadomości morskiej dla nauczycieli wychowania przedszkolnego i wczesnoszkolnego w ramach 14 celu zrównoważonego rozwoju – Ochrona i zrównoważone wykorzystywanie oceanów, mórz i zasobów morskich

Project Code: KA220-SCH-9BD23C79

About The TeachBlue Projekt

The TeachBlue project will contribute to the development of an innovative future-oriented Toolkit targeting to support early education teachers’ initial and continuous professional development. It will give them all the knowledge, skills, and key competences needed to teach students from a very early age about marine and ocean literacy.

The Toolkit (WP2) will include a Teacher’s Curriculum & Handbook, a Teacher’s Guide on Educational Activities (Classroom and Fieldwork/Outdoor Activities), a Board Game, and 360⁰ underwater videos.

The development of the Toolkit will be based on the results of a State-of-the-art report (WP1) (desk research on the current state of Marine and Ocean Literacy on ECEC education in the EU, and field research on children’s Marine and Ocean Literacy knowledge, perceptions, and misconceptions).

A training (WP3) on ECEC teachers will follow which will have a two-fold purpose: teachers to become acquainted with the Toolkit and give feedback for modifications (First pilot-testing phase), and to prepare them for pilot-testing the Toolkit with students (Second pilot-testing phase).

The training will combine face-to-face and interactive virtual services (e-learning platform – LMS) as a digitized, online opportunity for training and learning. As part of the project, 5 kindergarten and school teachers from each TeachBlue project country will undergo a 5-day training internship at the Cyprus Marine and Maritime Institute.

Target Groups


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